I have salary greater than 5 lakhs rupees per year and apart from this salary I am earning 20000 rupees per year by Google admob which is paid by Google through wire transfer in USD and I earn around 10000 rupees per year by in-app purchases which is paid by Google by bank transfer in INR after deducting TDS. Now I am having very difficult time understanding how to fill tax return and what to do. The extra earning is not that big but still I do this as part time activity, I do not want to take any risk please help, any help is appreciated.
Why the tds has not been deducted from admob income which came through wire transfer in USD, does this mean I have to pay tax on this my self or there is no need for this,
Note - I have not registered this as a business and I do not have gstin or any thing, this is just part time activity that I did in college but now I started getting salary from this year.
09 January 2023
Sir can you please tell me how to pay tax on this income and at what percent and on which website. under what head like self assessment or advance tax something like that.