We have a client in UP and supplier is in Bangalore. Client will issue a Form 38 and form C to us. Can we make this E1 sale if I purchase from bangalore against form C at 2% and use clients road permit. I will raise a invoice from UP to my client (in UP) and ask for a C form and a E1 form from my supplier. So I wont pay ny tax in UP. Is this possible??
16 January 2016
Definitely . In E-1 sale you need not charge any Tax , you have to issue C form to Bangalore , Mean while your buyer has to issue C form you. You can ask Bangalore Vendor Directly deliver the goods to Consignee your Client . Subsequently you can raise bill E-1 Sale.
Querist :
Querist :
16 January 2016
So it means a sale in same state is done but no VAT/CSt is charged (UP to UP sale)
16 January 2016
You can ask Bangalore supplior to add delivery buyer and Consignee than you can give Road permit to supplier to supply to consignee address.
Querist :
Querist :
16 January 2016
couldnot understand. Where to add buyer and where consignee?