E-WAY BILL & invoicee

21 January 2025 Dear Sir
I have an doubts on eway bill and invoice and i have an Three Question about the GST Billing and Eway bil

My company is ABC India Pvt Ltd and located at Delhi and doing the Electrical contracting (Goods & Services) and carrying a turnkey contract

My First Question is my suppliers Raveti Enterprises Pvt Ltd located at Delhi and i have place an order to my supplier whose name is Raveti Enterprises Pvt Ltd, Delhi and my suppllier to billing on my company ABC India Pvt Ltd, Delhi and supply the materials to our project site in KARNATAKA. Now after I invoice on my client whose name is Ashoka buildcon Pvt Ltd, Delhi who is a DELHI registered do I have to raise E WAY BILL as the invoice will be BILL to DELHI and ship to KARNATAKA

My Second Question is if My supplier Revati Enterprises Pvt Ltd Located Haryana and i have place an order and instructed to supplier whose name is Revati Enterprises Pvt Ltd and my suppllier to billing me on my company ABC india Pvt Ltd, Delhi and supply the material to our project site in KARNATKA. Now after I invoice on my client whose name is Ashoka buildcon Pvt Ltd, who is located at Gujrat do I have to raise E WAY BILL as the invoice will be BILL to Gujrat and ship to KARNATAKA

My Third Question is if My supplier Revati Enterprises Pvt Ltd Located Karnatka and i have place an order and instructed to supplier whose name is Revati Enterprises Pvt Ltd, Karnatka and my suppllier to billing me on my company ABC india Pvt Ltd, Delhi and supply the material to our project site in KARNATKA. Now after I invoice on my client whose name is Ashoka buildcon Pvt Ltd Located at Tamilnadu do I have to raise E WAY BILL as the invoice will be BILL to tamilnadu and ship to KARNATAKA

Kindly elaborate and practical all the things
what gst charge by supplier on me (cgst, sgst, igst) ? (in above three scenerios)
what gst charge by me on my client (cgst, sgst, igst) ? (in above three scenerios)
Do I have to raise the eway bill on my client in above three scenerios if yes then what should document i keep it in my records and what documents are issued by my side ?


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