e-filing for AY 2008-09

This query is : Resolved 

22 June 2008 sir,
I would be thankful if u help me on the follwing queries with regard to e-filing

1. I have registered my PAN with the e-filing web site but could not receive any acknowldgement to my mail id. What is the remedy for this?

2. can i prodeed to e-file my return even though i dint get any confirmation of registration to my mail id?

3. In the new process of e-file for AY 2008-09 i have learnt that email id is mandatory and the acknowledgement (ITR-V) after e-filing the return is sent to the mail id. what is remedy in case i dont get acknowledgement(ITR-V) to my mail-id after e-filing my return.

Please clarify me on the above as i have to e-file my return soon.

22 June 2008 1 in my opinion,no acknowledgement is sent .
2 yes,u should file ur return.

wait for the others experts to give their opinion.

22 June 2008 1.no ack is sent to email id
2. yes u can proceed
3. no issue if ack is not recd on ur email-id

23 June 2008 You can file your IT return by using your ID(PAN) and password at the time of Registration.
No ACK of Receipt of ITR-V is sent by Email at this time. You can print it through menu " My Returns" at deptt. site.

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