Dummy during articleship

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30 October 2013 respected seniors, i am an ipcc student and i wanted to know about Dummy articleship ... heard about it from some senior articles.... is it allowed / permissible or its illegal... i wanted to do mba from an iim so for that have to attend the iim regularly.... please suggest if i have any alternative left... Thanks.

30 October 2013 Its totally illegal.If you complete your CA with dummy then there is no value of your qualification.Rather go for one option at a time

30 October 2013 it is illegal,,it is strictly recommended dont go for dummy
below consequences
1)main disadvantage is after completing ca with dummy articleship, you dont know where to go for job,how to face interview,low confidence to face any professional,
in simple if you do dummy and completes ca again you have to work under some ca to learn work for a salary 6-10 k
[one lady who qualifed in ca first attempt came to our office and boss caught in interview and offered 7.5k which is equal to 2nd year article stipend
it is very horrible so dont go for dummy
ca with dummy article ---the most dangeoroes and horrible combination,,hope you will never opt for this

30 October 2013 Its always better to follow what's right,
what's legal and what's safe....

Don't go just for the sake that you will get more time towards studies...

You may clinch Ranks by that but tour hands will remain empty..

No Exposure, No experience..

Like a Pistol without bullets...

30 October 2013 1. Dummy is illegal

2. You are not allowed to pursue regular mba with articleship.

04 November 2013 thanks all for your opinion... i "didnt knew" that its not at all allowed... i wud never betray my profession by doing such an act... i just wanted to know whether it is allowed or not... but now i understand that its equal to a crime... again thanks all four your helpful clarifications...

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