DSC registration at MCA site


Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
18 January 2011 i have an digital signature of sify ( safescypt) class 2. I have received 2 PFX files and password throgh email. I want to register it on MCA site.

I am trying for registring it but after entering all details when I clicking on "select certificate" tab to select DSC, then it shows " certificate not been selected. To complete the registration you need to select a certificate".

I have also checked in another computer but same problem.

How can I select a crtificate ? whether any internet explorer settings are required for it.

Please help me to register it.

19 January 2011 Please install the Certificate using the password, after installing register the details and select the certificate...
if you have done through the above said process and still then cannot be selected then you may be using "WINDOWS VISTA OR WINDOWS 7" try another Computer with WINDOWS XP operating system and install the DSC first then Register the DSC...your certificate will get registered this time.


Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
19 January 2011 i tried in wndows xp but same problem is there.

i have registered my dsc at income tax e filling site.

but i am facing problem in MCA site.

active X settings also checked.

19 January 2011 May be this problem is due to the Internet Explorer..plse check to select the certificate in Internet explorer 6 ..

If u tried tht in Internet explorer 6 then you need to clean up your computer temporary files & Cookies...

Please let me know if u solve the problem...

19 January 2011 the same problem faced by my frnd and it resolved by the process mentoned by you. thnx


Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
19 January 2011 I am using internet explorer 8

i cleaned my computer's temporary files & Cookies.

but problem not solved.

19 January 2011 Dear use the older version of Internet explorer(Internet Explorer 6 or 7) your problem will be solved.

U may find the older version in win xp service pack 2 operating system..

19 January 2011 my same problem is also solved

Thanks taher

19 January 2011 Dear Mayur ur most welcome...


Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
19 January 2011 I have completed DSC registration successfuly ..........

thank you very much for your help.


19 January 2011 Dear Krishna whether my information was needful or you refered some other way to complete the DSC registration..

Pls reply

19 January 2011 Dear Prakash ur most welcome..


Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
19 January 2011 i used older version of internet explorer. so your information was needful.


19 January 2011 Actually MCA is not updated with recent version of softwares and programme, in 2011 MCA still stuck with 2006 procedures.....Consequence ...we the cost bearer..

Thanks for applying the information ...

16 July 2012 Hi all,

I am facing the same problem unable to do role check as when i click on select certificate it shows " certificate has not been selected. to complete the registration you need to select a certificate"

I am using Internet explorer 9, windows 7 and service pack 1. what should i do.


16 July 2012 dear Shraddha install the latest Java tht is Java 7 uninstal the older version ur prblm would be solved..

16 July 2012 i did do that as well taher. still it shows the same

16 July 2012 u mean to say the java available on mca right????

16 July 2012 iam not sure abt the java link through MCA..
U can download java 7 version directly from Java.com.

26 December 2014 Hi CS Taher!
I have administrative access to the system, enabled all ActiveX controls, latest Java is installed (as required by MCA) and still unable to select DSC for DSC registraiton.
My system runs on Win7 and IE-9.
Could you please help?

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