dormant bacteria

This query is : Resolved 

27 February 2008 are trading their products for waste water treatment and other water and soil treatments.

We at present don't have an IEC code nor are we regd. with C.E. Our products are concentrated form of live bacteria in dormant form in 95% water and 5% alcohol medium. The products may also come in tablet form. Products would be shipped either from USA or Thailand. These products are brought i, diluted with water and used for treatment in Effluent Treatment plats, Sewage Treatment plants and other uses. These bacteria are non-pathogenic harmless bacteria, which may be various strains intended for specific purpose. When the diluted solution is put in the target area, the dormant bacteria, activate and start their vegetative and reproductive phase and eat away the organic wastes, thereby reducing the sludge and improving the quality of water.

We look forward to your help for the appropriate CTH/CETH (customs Tariff Heading), duty structure and appropriate notifications related to this. Also please inform whether for this product having an IEC is also reqd or not. We are not doing any change in the productin India before sale. We would just import it, stock them and sell it to customers. We would initially import all items to Delhi and stock here and all sale billing would be done from Gurgaon office. As far I understand, we should have a LST and CST registration also for domestic billings. Please confirm.

22 December 2013 Older to be removed

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