Doing many courses at one time

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Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
01 August 2013 I am doing CA +private B.COM and now,i also enrolled in CS executive and i also wanna do 1)-Do i need to take permission from ICAI or ANY OTHER INSTITUTE FOR THAT INSTANCE. 2)- If somebody doesn't take permission then what are the consequences.please guys tell me i really need to know.

01 August 2013 As per the norms of ICAI you can do only one additional course at a time.You are already doing two additional courses at this time.ICAI will not grant you permission if you disclose above information to them.Further ICSI is also becoming alert for allowing students one course at a time.
So legally permission can't be granted.
As such there is no adverse consequences till they come to know about your multiple degrees,but if they get to know this,then your CA degree will be put up under a question mark

01 August 2013 1)first of all i am not able to under stand how can you find time for all these courses and leave for exams in our busy articleship

2)icai permission for pursuing additional course is mandatory

3)icai will not permit you to pursue more than 1 additional course

4)with out icai knowledge if you done additional courses and later icai came to know abt this it will be considered as breach of ca regulations 65&78

and consequences will be from delay of membership to cancellation of articleship period

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