Dispatching finished goods from job worker/testing agency

This query is : Resolved 

29 August 2012 If Finished goods are sent for Testing with Third Party Inspection Agency & goods needs to be dispatched from Agency to directly to customer ( As bringing back material will cost is more & needs to be sent directly). What shall be the excise procedure or Rule to be followed.

Similarly if Raw Material(Semi Finished/processed) sent to Job worker & need to be dispatched to the customer from Job workers premises, what shall be the excise regulations to be followed & procedure addopted.

29 August 2012 There are two options:-
1) If Job worker is registered then he is liable for ED.
2) If the above is not then the Seller to be.

31 August 2012 write to your juridictional deputy commissioner the model draft and system to be adpoted for clearance from job worker premises,
if the job worker is within same juridiction, then DC will issue order to his R/O to execute the clearance,

if the job worker is beyond his juridiction, then he wil inform the juridictional DC to execute the clearance,

formalities and document will be prescribed in perticular by the executing DC case to case basis.

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