20 July 2014
Sir, Since area of job of a Company Secretary(CS) is of legal compliance, are the companies in India treating CS as a legal liability and showing no interest on this post?
20 July 2014
Top notch companies are giving due importance to the post og Company Secretaries. They are well aware of the contribution of CS in the strategy formulation and implementation by the company. CS is a key post and the contribution of CS is not restricted to the statutory compliance only. Company Secretaries are also a part of decision making team.
Smaller companies are appointing CS more comply with statutory requirements. But days are not far when they will realize the importance of CS in their organisational structure.
20 July 2014
Thanks you so much Sanjay sir and Nikhil sir. My confidence on CS lost due to some unscrupulous negative minded persons has been restored to a great extent.
20 July 2014
Don't loose confidence in CS. A Company Secretary shares the board room and gets to interact and share views with Chairman, MD and Directors. A Company Secretary is also a KMP. CS of my Company is also an Executive Director. I know many persons who are CS and also holding Top position in their Companies. CS is one of the brightest profession in the country.
Do not give the key of your thoughts to others. Just keep working hard to gain knowledge and enhance your skills in CS profession for a bright future ahead. Do not care about what others say...kyunki...kuch toh log kahenge....