1. Classification: Primary Market and Secondary Market - No such classification 2. Type of Funds: Long term funds - Short term Funds 3. Number of Instruments: Shares and debentures - Many like Call money, ICDs’, CPs’, Treasury Bills etc. 4. Players: General investors, FIIs’, brokers, Registrars, Underwriters, Bankers, Corporate investors, etc. - Banks, R B I, Govt., PF Funds, PSUs’, FIs’, large corporates etc. 5. Support: Supports capital - Supports working capital. 6. Value: Each instrument is of low value. - Each instrument is of high value 7. Default Risk: Risk of default is high as it is of long term. - Risk of default is less as it is of short term 8. Role: Role of capital market includes putting capital to work - Basic role is liquidity adjustment 9. Relation with central bank: Not closely related with central bank. - Closely and directly linked with the Central Bank of the country in fixing interest rates.