Depriciation method

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Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
26 September 2014 A Company which had been following WDV method for Fixed assets till the end of 2005. But after that Company had decided to follow SLM method on the assets which are added after 31.03.2005. But SLM Mehtod has been followed for only those assets those are added after 31.03.2005 and all the assets before 2005 are being depreciated with WDV method.

Now i want to ask you that Is the above thing is possible that in same year we can follow both method ? if not, then how to correct this?

26 September 2014 for same assets 2 methods not allowed either for all assets slm will be used or wdv but not both at 1time in a year

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