defination of senior citizen

This query is : Resolved 

06 October 2008 The word 'Senior Citizen' has been defined as a person who is of 65 years or more at any time during the previous year.

Whether a person having completed 64 years and running 65th year can be called as 'senior citizen 'for the purpose of basic exemtion limit of Rs.2,25,000/-?

06 October 2008 No, An individual who completes his 65 years during the previous year is called a Senior Citizen .

06 October 2008 Yes ,Pawan is right

06 October 2008 A person who has attained the age of 65 years is called as a senior citizen

06 October 2008 unless software is for less than 5000 where depreciation is 100%

07 October 2008 once compelte his 65th year he is called as senior citizen

10 August 2015 Agreed With CA pawan

24 January 2016

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