Cs scope in future

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Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
10 October 2012 i have done bcom in 2008 and presentaly working with mnc as asstant accountant from last four year and getting 25000 in hand,but not satisfied with profile ,,so i want to do CS but with job this is not possible so suggest me should i switch off job for CS ,,,can i get good job after completing my cs.

10 October 2012 company secrtary is a HOT selling name in today's world. You can definitely think of taking the RISK of joining the course.

10 October 2012 Hello,

You can go for cs course but dont leave your job ,two reasons-

1.Passing percentage is not 100 percent it may take 4-5 years to complete.

2.After doing cs your intial salary will be somewhat same what are you getting now because company secretaries gets low packages in intial years .

So my advise is continue your present job and pick out 2 hrs daily for studies and select single group in one attempt you will surely pass with job and also you can get exemption in cs 15 months training on the basis of your 4 years job.

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