22 November 2010
With limited time of one month, you have to prepare for all the subjects.
Kindly refer the suggested answer/guideline answers prescribed by the institute ICSI. Atleast 8-10 previous exams of the institute. though if is old syllabus refer the questions & solutions/answer that are expected from examiners point of view.
Repeat suggested/guideline answer for atleast twice or trice before exam. This can be done subject wise & not examwise. I repeat must be subjectwise & not examwise. This will ensure that there are so many questions/case laws which are repetative in exams either continuously or every alternative.By first reading from say june 2005, dec 2005, june 06...........till june 2010, you would be confident of the subject.
This is how I prepared for CS exam, to my suprise I cleared all the groups in first attempt. (But this is not advisable, a student should First read the Institute study material & then a standard test book. And then revise the subject with previous exam question papers, guideline etc.,