CS Executive

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16 November 2016 Hello everyone, I'm having CS executive next month i.e.December I've appeared for may 16 CA ipcc with a confidence to clear both groups So that I can appear for CS in December with sufficient time gap but I was able to clear only 1 group of Ipcc & required preparing for Nov16 ipcc exams again which have been completed yesterday! & Now I would like to know how to clear CS Executive with just One month preparation I'm thorough with all the ipcc level concepts, please suggest me any books ( with author name or publisher) / tips / suggestions to pass ( yes sufficient) Thanks 😄

19 November 2016 Study from ICSI study material, as you have already dealt some of the topics in your IPCC level. Just get the ball rolling and you will be able to perform well. You have the momentum on your side, as you have just finished with CA examination. Go with a positive mindset and achieve the desired results. Am not a great fan of SCANNERS, but many students have cleared the examination based on it. If you think that can help you scoring marks and clear your CS Executive you can give it a try.

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