Cs 15 months pre-membership training

This query is : Resolved 

09 November 2013 Can CS students start their Pre-membership training of 15 months before appearing in Professional Exam?

09 November 2013 After Finishing Professional Exam Join Pre-Membership Training

10 November 2013 yes you can enroll for 15 months training before professional course.

10 November 2013 I am confused. One answer is positive and another is negative! I need ultimate answer. Please help.

10 November 2013 Dear Partha,

Please refer: http://icsi.edu/Portals/0/Guidelines_for_Apprenticeship.pdf

You may refer to point 3:


A candidate registered as a student on or after 16th September, 1982 and who has
passed the Intermediate/Executive Programme
examination shall be eligible to undergo
the apprenticeship training under a whole - time Company Secretary in Practice or a firm of Company Secretaries in Practice
under Regulation 48 (c) with the approval of Secretary or Chief Executive if sufficient number of whole - time
Company Secretaries in Practice willing to accept the apprentices are available."

10 November 2013 Yes as per the norms of ICSI you can start training after you complete your executive level.But practically many companies hire trainees who have completed some groups of professional exams.

10 November 2013 Thank you so much sir.

10 November 2013 you are welcome Partha.

11 November 2013 Go through this link as an example

some extracts
Please Note Minimum Qualification required is-
- ICSI (Inter)- Passed
- ICSI (Executive)- All Groups
- ICSI (Final) - Passed (Preference)
- ICSI (Professional) (Preference)

11 November 2013 Thank you very much..

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