CPE hours

20 November 2016 Dear Expert, Please clarify that there is any exemption for Newly qualified CA (May 2016) for 1 year after enroll as a member or Newly enrolled members are also comply with CPE hours requirements from 1st year after they enroll. Please clarify as soon as possible. Thanks and regards Jatin suneja

21 November 2016 I use to find that exemption notification in our institute site earlier, now looking at the newly designed cpe website. I could not trace anywhere it mentioning of exemption for new members. Since, the current block is between 2014-16, it is suggested to have credits against your name under Structured activities. You can also claim 10 hours of ULA credit for this year.

25 November 2016 Thanks, but what evidences I produced for unstructured learning for the year 2016 or the last date is 31st may 2017 for submit, is it right.

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