Courses in Finance & Taxation

25 March 2010 Sir

Pls let me know about the Courses in the Field of Taxation apart from CA/CS/ICWA.

I have done M.Com + MBA(Finace)(Through Distace Education) and presently working with Limited company as Accounts Officer.I want to continue my studies in the Field of Taxation

Is CFA from ICFAI has relevance?what about their legal dispute with CFA-USA

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Sanjeev Sharma

25 March 2010 CFA from usa is best option.

26 March 2010 Sir

But CFA from USA is very costly and also the Exams are not conducted in India.pls suggest me some other courses


Sanjeev sharma

03 September 2010 Sanjeev CFA is different as its bout investment and equity research if ur going CFA do it from US n not 4m ICFAI.....
one more thing CFAI has started conducting exam in INDIA....

03 September 2010 n ya u can think of doing SAP vl give u better salary in d industry....

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