Cost and management accounting (icsi)

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02 October 2013 hello,
can anyone plz tell me which book is best for CMA(cost and management acc)ICSI module 1 paper 2.....from which book to study COST AND MANAGEMENT ACC. OF CS....plz reply as soon as possible.........

02 October 2013 If you are talking about executive level,then Mittal and maheshwari is the best book very useful for CA/CS/CWA

02 October 2013 yes m taking bout executive course......u mean S.N maheshwari of cma

02 October 2013 yes.go for it

02 October 2013 ok thanks for the u know bout sip training....

03 October 2013 nd rest of books of executive program of icsi study material of icsi is enough for study.

03 October 2013 SIP training is a week training for which you have to get a pre registration based upon which you will get a batch.Its compulsory to do SIP training before you appear in exam.Though in certain cases ICSI allows student to appear without your regional office for details

03 October 2013 theoretical books are sufficient. But for practical subjects follow one additional book.
VK singhania-tax,Girish ahuja -accounts

03 October 2013 Ok....u mean Girish Ahuja for company accounts& auditing......but icsi has not refer this book in subject......btw Girish Ahuja is really gud for accounts. Or we can use some other book......

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