Correspondence course

This query is : Resolved 

04 November 2013 can I do bcom and c.s along with ca

04 November 2013 No ,you are permitted to do only one course at a time & that too it should not affect your articleship timing.
However,choosing CS instead of will be more benificial

04 November 2013 Yes, you can do multiple courses along with CA,
However, ICAI permits only one additional course along with CA..
You have to fill form 112 in respect of such additional one course..

But if you do multiple course altogether then you will not able to intimate ICAI for all courses..

However, fill 112 in respect of CS, don't show in 112...

Frankly speaking most of the persons who have multiples degrees have done this...

04 November 2013 However, its not legal by law to do multiple course along with CA,
However, you wont able to show such courses in your CV while in campus interview....

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