25 December 2010
Good Evening, Can anyone please help me out with the procedure of coverting frm PCC into IPCC course and the time-limit,exception etc.
My detail is as below: *I had given 5th attempt for PCC exam and waiting for the results. *I am serving now my extension (excess leaves) period which is almost one year.
Whether my period which i already served will going to count if i got converted to IPCC and if i do this conversion procedure after knowing results of PCC Nov 2010 exam,what is the time-limit for conversion.Plzz help me
27 December 2010
thank you sir for the help, but is there any time-limit for conversion from PCC to IPCC bcz rightnow i am waiting for the results for PCC NOV 2010 exam or is it adviseable if i covert it after knowing the results.plz help me out...