Plz confirm , whether following RA bill procedure is correct or not for contractor from GST bill to bill reconciliation point of view ?
Ra Bill -1 (GST Bill)
Total Basic contract RA bill valaue Rs 10,000/- Less : Retention Amount Rs 1,000/- (Not claimed by contractor as per contract terms for security,safety & deduction clause) Net Bill Value Rs 9,000/- GST 18 % on Net value Rs 1,620/- Total bill value for GSTR-1 Rs10,620/-
Final Ra Bill (GST Bill)
Total Basic contract Rs 1,000/- (Balance Pending retention Amt) GST 18 % on Net value Rs 180/- Total bill value for GSTR-1 Rs 1,180/-
Only In above cases , GSTR-1 (Contractor) & GSTR2B (Contractee) will match properly with out dispute or reconciliation.