26 March 2012
Yes, there are two reasons specified in para 11 of AS 21 for not doing consolidation-
"A subsidiary should be excluded from consolidation when: (a) control is intended to be temporary because the subsidiary is acquired and held exclusively with a view to its subsequent disposal in the near future7; or (b) it operates under severe long-term restrictions which significantly impair its ability to transfer funds to the parent. In consolidated financial statements, investments in such subsidiaries should be accounted for in accordance with Accounting Standard (AS) 13, Accounting for Investments. The reasons for not consolidating a subsidiary should be disclosed in the consolidated financial statements."
Hope you got the answer and in any other case a company is required to consolidate its accounts.
27 March 2012
The examples of severe long term restrictions could be- 1. When Subsidiary company is in a country which imposed restriction on transfer of funds to other country 2. The Country, currency of which is highly devaluating can also do so 3. Some major Natural Calamity or War has happened in the country can restrict transfer of funds.
In these type of circumstances, the holding company does not control over the funds of its subsidiary and accordingly, it is excluded from being consolidation.
27 March 2012
The examples of severe long term restrictions could be- 1. When Subsidiary company is in a country which imposed restriction on transfer of funds to other country 2. The Country, currency of which is highly devaluating can also do so 3. Some major Natural Calamity or War has happened in the country can restrict transfer of funds.
In these type of circumstances, the holding company does not control over the funds of its subsidiary and accordingly, it is excluded from being consolidation.
Querist :
Querist :
28 March 2012
Dear Mr Kabra, A clarification on the accounting standard says that if the holding company transfers the sahres of subsidiary to stock in trade the holding company need not publish consolidated accounts. can a holding company transfer part of the holding to stock in trade so as to bring the holding bellow the limit and avoid consolidating the accounts. I very much appreciate the interest shown by you in my querry. Thanks