Confusion about conversion PE-II To PCC

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19 May 2008 Hi everyone I have joined PE –II based on graduation, but could not clear the exam till now can anyone help me on following

1) Can I convert to PCC ,

2) If yes , is it with Article ship or without Article ship

3) If With Article ship, when will be my Attempt for PCC.

4) And what is total duration of article ship , when can I expect my final exam ( I know I have to clear PCC first , I just want to have a idea )

5) If without Article ship when will be my attempt , and the duration of article ship , when can I expect my final !!

Moreover I have called Nodia (board of studies) they told me that institute is giving two more attempts in old syslabus(i.e PE-II) ONLY FOR STUDENTS FROM GRADUATION AND NOT OTHERS ... i.e Nov 08 & May 09.

Please Give me reply , so that I need to intimate to my company about my resignation !!

20 May 2008 Dear Sree,

1. Yes

2. Yes with articleship.

3. Your attempt will be due after 18 months of articles (15 month article + 3 months compulsory study leave)

4. Your final attempt will be after 2 years of articles after finishing PCC.

5. There is no way of writing the exam without doing articles.

I feel its better you give you PE-II study hard and clear it will save you time.

All the best.

20 May 2008 thank you sir .... thank you very much ...

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