Commission income

This query is : Resolved 

11 July 2014 Respected sir

Can i take commission Income in my HUF account. If yes please provide me case detail in which its allowed.

11 July 2014 if earned by huf then only u can take otherwise not.

11 July 2014 Respected sir
Please clear your mean is commission bill issue in the name of HUF account.Am i right sir??? Please provide detail where it is written.

11 July 2014 yes it should be in the name of huf or as a karta or any co parcener of huf.

11 July 2014 Respected sir
Can you provide me case detail in which judge allow to HUF to take commission income.
Or any other documents in which proved that HUF can take commission income.

11 July 2014 its pretty much logical that when an income in a "persons" name then its taxable only in his name no need for any case law for this simple logic.

11 July 2014 Respected sir
Can HUF take any kind of income in his account.

11 July 2014 yes all the income earned by karta or any members (co parcereners) is income of huf.

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