
18 January 2017 Dear AllIn the recently concluded Ca final exams, i secured 14 marks in Ama (i too am shocked by this)Costing was traditionally my weak subject.Due to my repeated failures in Ca final, I was contemplating to take up Certified Management Accountant course (US),due to the relative ease and quicker course period.But my apprehension is due to my costing weakness.Please advise if I should further venture in this.

19 January 2017 Get to speak to people who have pursued this course to know whether it is easy to clear the examination. CA examinations are one of the toughest exams and one must not compare it with other University or countries examination system.

21 January 2017 Thanks Mr Satish. I guess you are right, the yard stick measuring Ca and Cma are completely different. I will try to get in to touch with some one pursing Cma.

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