
Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
01 July 2011 i wanted to know whether CISA can be done on self study basis as there are no class available for CISA in nagpur...
Thanks in advance...

01 July 2011 CISA can be done on self study basis. If you are good at information technology, it would be managed very easily. Materials is available on CACLUB itself. Think twice before doing this course as after passing it, you need to pay membership fees in US$, which is approximately 130$ each year. So if you can spare such funds and gain out CISA only then i advise to do the course. Don't do it for the sake of it.

01 July 2011 C.A. Gunjan H. Shah is right and has given you the answer.

To add a little bit I would like to let you know if you are not good at IT then kindly drop the idea of CISA.


Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
01 July 2011 thanks a lot sirs...
but i wanted to do some course will you suggest some else course...

02 July 2011 Let us know in which course you are interest. Some course no one can suggest. What is in yur mind you should come out and let us know about it. How can we know which course will be suitable for you. O. K. let me tell you that Computer Engineering or MBBS course is very good will you do it?

04 February 2013 Dear Experts,

Is CISA Review manual like Institute Study material

In that case, it is almost compulsory to buy this book for a person who wants to appear for this exam

Kindly guide in this regard

05 February 2013 Experts

Can you please share your view in this regard

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