Change the directors

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Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
15 December 2011 A Pvt. Ltd. company having 2 directors.
Now they want to change one director.
I want to know that it is possible to relive the old diredtor and appoint new director through single form 32.

15 December 2011 Yes, it is possible to file single form no.32 for appointment of one director and relieving of another director.

Brij Agnihotri

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Guest (Expert)
15 December 2011 Ya, you can file single form 32.

Even if your director is appointed on 25.11.2011 and another director is resigning on 05.12.2011, then also single form can be filed since both the events are within 30 days.

Regards, Neha

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