23 March 2010
Procedure for change in object clause
This process involves alteration of MOA
1. First Call a board meeting and pass following 3 resolutions a) resolution for change in object b) calling of General Meeting. c) authorisation to sign digital form
2. On due date hold General Meeting and pass the Special Resolution.
3. File form23 with in 30 days of passing Special Resolution in General Meeting.
4. Prepare new MOA with new clause and attach the same in form-23 along with notice of General Meeting.
23 March 2010
RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the provisions of Section 16 and 17 and other applicable provisions if any of the Companies Act, 1956 (including any Statutory modification or reenactment for the time being in force), clause 3 and 4 of the Main Objects of the company be replaced by the following clauses:
3. ___________ .
4. _________
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT any director or Company Secretary of the Company be and are hereby severally authorized to sign in physical or digitally the various statutory forms and documents as and when required under various statutes with the authorities concerned and with Registrar of Companies.