CENVAT Credit on Import of Services

This query is : Resolved 

06 September 2010 Dear Experts,

I have a querry regarding CENVAT credit.

We are manufacturer of excisable goods and provider of taxable output services.
We are importing services and depositing (cash)service tax on those services on reverse charge mechanisim.

My Q. is could we take CENVAT credit of same service tax, which we have deposited on import of services.

My view is we can take credit on same.Also I have reference of CBEC letter No.345/1/2008,27.6.2008.

Kindly give some reference to substantiate the view.

With regards

06 September 2010
There are certain services on which the service tax is to be paid by the service Enjoyer like GTA. Here, the Service Enjoyer be he the manufacturer has to obtain the ST no and comply the ST provisions and he is eligible to get the Cenvat credit of the ST paid by him as the same will amt to Input Service.

Similarly, in case of import of services, the SErvice Enjoyer has to comply with all the provisions of ST right from obtaining of the no. filing of return , deposit of ST etc. Here also the ST paid amt to Input Service and as a manufacturer u can take a cenvat credit.
In c

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