Category of Service Tax

02 June 2011 Dear Sir,

Since 1st May 2011 Service tax has been applicable on short term accommodation service and testaurant service @ 5%. my query is what is the category charges under this service tax kindly let me know.

Thanks & Regards

Bijay Singh Negi

03 June 2011 Kindly resolve my query

03 June 2011 Your question is not clear as to category charges.
The normal rate of ST is 10% + cess of 3% on the 10%.

Accomodation has a 50% abatement and Restaurants have a 70% abatement porovided no credits are claimed.

03 June 2011 Sir,

my question is Under which category it should be charge as hotels are giving the same category (Mandop Keeper),

Kindly suggest how can we take the 50% credit in our books without amendment in st-2, as they have not provided us the updated ST-2 form.

03 June 2011 You have to intimate to service tax department declaring as "short term accommodation service" and get it incorporated in your registration certificate (ST-2). It is the new taxable service effective from 2011 and will not classify under category mandap keeper.

03 June 2011 Right sir,

that means if hotel is raising invoice to us so we have to take st-2 certificate from them whether the have intimate service tax department or not.

we have to take an amended st-2 certificate from them. is it true?

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