carrer advice

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10 November 2016 hello,m a student of caipc n this nov2016 attempt will be my 7th attempt..i just came out of exam hall aftrr giving adv acct paper with no clear hope. i have also other responsibilities of family earnings. and i never got time or situation to take regular classes. i have done all by myself and in this attempt i made accounts n cost fm best but some papers are left to be done as required. m so guilty about d time i wasted n so directionless today. i want to change my carrer but to what? Please sincere guidance is needed..its all about my life.

11 November 2016 I suggest not to think about last 5 papers performance. First finish the remaining two papers and later your subject on career can be taken up. So, do well in remaining papers, all the best.

11 November 2016 I suggest not to think about last 5 papers performance. First finish the remaining two papers and later your subject on career can be taken up. So, do well in remaining papers, all the best.

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