Career line

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Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
24 April 2012 I have qualified my CA in Nov 2011. Presently I am working in CA Firm in Internal Audit Dept. But I dont like to continue there. Can Please any one help me. Which field should we choose- Tax or Job in a company. Which has more scope and available jobs in Kolkata.

25 April 2012 It would be better if you try to get job in internal audit dept. Of any company in kolkata. As there your audit firm experience will be considered.

25 April 2012 It depends on you in which area you have interest and you think you can do better than others in that field. In respect of opportunities there are ample of aopportunities in all sectors and functions

25 April 2012 Consider looking for a techno functional ERP job wherein you'll have to develop interfaces & DBs to handle the client's requirements. This is just a suggestion!

02 May 2012 You have to decide which line you are interested? If in tax then take experience in tax, if audit then you are already there, if in indirect tax then also you have to take training. Since you have not stated your interest it is very difficult to answer and guide you properly.


Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
02 May 2012 Thanks Sir and all others
Sir my interest is in both Stat Audit and also Taxation. Sir it will be very helpful if you guide me.

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