Capital Gain Tax On non-listed securities

This query is : Resolved 

09 June 2007 I am CA final student. I have an Query About tax on Non-Listed Securities. I want to know the applicable Tax Rate for LTCG/STCG.and pls also give refereance book/material.

11 June 2007 In case of Non-Listed Securities Tax rate for LTCG will be @20% depending on other factors like resident individual.. non resident individual,domestic/ foreign Co..

and in case of STCG the rates will be the normal rates applicable..

Hopefully your query is cleared now..

12 June 2007 I want to know That the option 1 and option 2 is applicable on Capital Gain Arises from Non-listed share (LTCG) OR not and in act where it is mention.

13 June 2007 no its not applicable read sec-112 thoroughly...

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