We have do job work to some parties (say convert cotton into cotton yarn). As we are manufacturing yarn under jobwork we should receive raw materials from the jobworker and convert them into yarn and dispatch the finished products to them. Sometimes the situation may be aroused that the quality of rawmaterial sent by our jobworker is not suitable for their required quality of finished products. For curtail the loss of production we have to immediately issue our owned rawmaterials to the production and send the finished product to jobworkers as their required quality. In this juncture we need advise on the following points which one is best:
1) Whether can we raise an invoice for the rawmaterials used for the jobworks with GST tax in the pattern “bill to” jobworker and “ship to” our company / factory address? (There is not movement of goods)
2) Or can we raise a debit note to the jobworker with GST tax as there will be no need for quoting bill to / ship to components?
3) If these are wrong then any other correct options?
4) Shall it break jobwork nature? Will any litigation araise?
06 October 2020
You, can raise an invoice for the rawmaterials used for the jobworks with GST tax in the pattern “bill to” jobworker and “ship to” our company / factory address? (There is not movement of goods)