Can somebody take technical round of interview of me plz...

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Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
21 April 2015 I am a CA. i just want to change my present job but inspite of several efforts unable to clear a single interview.

Please somebody mention some technical questions i would answer all of them and then please tell me about my shortcomings so that i cam work on them...please someone mention some technical questions that are generally asked in the interview???

21 April 2015 dear friend.. its tough to have a interview session here on CCI.... so try in ur area with some seniors.. it wil help u.. because a real face to face or telephonic interview works... not this one...

because a interview is not merely judging the answers accuracy its they way to judge you...


Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
21 April 2015 I know mr. Ankit that there are several other factors which play a vital role in selection. But to some extent i want to check my one skill please mention a list of question i will write answer of all of them.

21 April 2015 for which posts.. for which type of company... it depends dear...

we cant generally have some question, depending on the industry u r working and u r going for interview...


Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
21 April 2015 I am working in a trading concern and suppose i apply in a CA firm for statutory audit or in a Manufacturing concern for the post of Assistant manager-Accounts

21 April 2015 let me make a list if possible then wil post here....ok...

But from day 1 to today... m saying u one thing... stay positive dear

anywz here on this querry of urs.. i wil try to b back with some questions soon.. which usually we asks from new candidates

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