calculate the tax payable

This query is : Resolved 

12 December 2010 business income : 180000
agricultual inc :50000
deduction 80c :10000

calculate the tax payable for a.y. 2010-11
assuming that assesse is male and he is not a senior citizen.

13 December 2010 Dear Abhishekji, the amount of Income Tax in your case comes to Rs. 1000/- + Education Cess Rs. 30/-. Besides this, if you are filing your return now, then interest u/s 234A will also be payable, which comes to approximately Rs. 50/-, so the total is Rs. 1080/-

13 December 2010 CA. HIREN JOGI IS RIGHT.

13 December 2010 correct

14 December 2010 correct

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