Ca with cs & form 112

06 October 2013 I have Registered for CA articleship & alongwith I have Filled Form 112 for B.Com But Now I wish to do CS so Do i have to Fill form 112 again for CS & that to before registration of cs or after registration & also please let me know that can I do on private basis with these both courses in correspondence or I can only go through one out of CS &


06 October 2013 Form 112 is to be filled within 1month of taking admission in any course.But please note that only one additional course is permitted ,choose between or CS

06 October 2013 As you have already filled 112 form in respect of,
You have to intimate ICAI regarding cancellation of it..

then you can fill again it in respect of CS,

Note: ICAI only allows one additional course while pursuing CA..


06 October 2013 is there any way to do also By ignou or else distance exams or what if I will do it without intimateting to ICAI

06 October 2013 Answer to ur 1st ques..
Yes, you can do your with Ignou,
After clearing IPCC you can enroll for thru IGNOU,
The duration of the course proportionately be reduced...

Now, If you do any course whether CS or without intimating to ICAI then,
In future you won't be able to show such degrees,
It will be treated as Breach of Regulations 65 & 78 – Non submission of Form 112...


07 October 2013 Thanks for your reply but I want to know that if I am doing By distance education Programme Than also i have to intimate it to ICAI because I have read it on somewhere on this site only That Form 112 is not required for B,com through IGNOU

07 October 2013 There is no such provision in my view,
If you want to pursue CS also then don't mention just show CS in 112..

Best of luck...

07 October 2013 thanks sir

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