CA with CMA

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17 May 2016 i am a student of ca , present i am pursuing cpt . I was totally confused on some areas which i couldnt undestand the explanation of my friends ...please explain me this few questions ... 1.Is it necessary or worth doing Cma along with CA ? 2.Do Students completed Cma with CA have any special opportunity , or just like one who did only CA . 3. what course could give extra benefits for a CA student I.e., Cma or cs or degree ?

17 May 2016 if you can do 1 to ... n no degree . but you can use only one degree . if you do LLB, CA, CMA, CS you can take only one practice certificate. not for all. many student doing many degree only for that if this is not complete then 2nd will be my carrier.
its your decision what you want .

17 May 2016 oh ! that means only one practice certificate is used . OK. thanks rupesh Jain sir.

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10 June 2016 Do with CA IPCC & after,go for CS for good job opportunities.

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