Ca or cwa what to chose?

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24 December 2011 Before going to decide on suitability of Chartered Accountants (CAs) and Cost Accountants ( ICWAs) for a particular statutory authority ( Salutatory Financial Audit or Cost Audit or Tax audit or Sec 14a and 14AA or any thing) there are certain points to be considered. Both the institutions are claiming , that their institute is more suitable than other. The points are..

1.SYLLABUS CONTENTS OF CA AND ICWA COURSES AND FOCUS : Right from the beginning Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) is focusing only on Accounts, Taxation and it does not have strong focus on the internal industry or company management practices .On the other side , ICWAI , included Cost Management Accountancy , Operations Management for strong focus on the internal industry or company management practices . The ICWAI has strong focus on the above subjects and also has very strong focus on Accounts and Taxation. ICWAI has focus on Cost and Management Accountancy , the strong structure of Cost and Management Accountancy is obviously based on the strong foundations of accounts and Taxation.. International Institutes specialized in Management Accountancy have MOUs with ICWAI. So, ICWAI is the sole authority for Management Accountancy . And obviously it states ICWAI is equally strong like CA on Accountancy, Taxation and Audit ( even more strong and advanced than ICAI , because Management Accountancy is based on strong foundations of Accountancy, Taxation)—A person can become a good Judge (like Cost Management Accountancy) only if he is good at law (like Accountancy, Taxation and Audit) .

2.THE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT PART : Initially in the syllabus of ICAI financial management was not a part. Later for a long time CA did not have Financial Management in its syllabus. This indicates members of ICAI and ICAI are not serious about Fin Mgt. Then how they are eligilible for the posts like VP-Finance, Director-Finance, CFO etc and finance posts?. One more point is “Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) does not have strong focus on the internal industry or company management practices”

3.THE RATIONALE BEHIND ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP : To become Associate member of ICAI, passing of Final exam of CA is sufficient by satisfying article ship .The three years period of article is considered as three years of experience and Associate ship is given in ICAI.
But , if you consider ICWAI the associate membership will be given if the candidate passes Final course of ICWAI and possesses three years of responsible experience. Definitely becoming Associate of ICWAI is difficult and worthy compared to three years of articles experience.
If we compare the required three years of experience for Associate Membership in ICAI and ICWAI
(a) In case of Articles of ICAI specific responsibility is not fixed on person (student) , but in case of ICWAI ( the candidate is mostly employee) the three years of experience is in a job where job responsibility is fixed.
(b) most of the times, in ICWAI the person works and deals in the system of an industry where management practices and finance functionals are present and he learns industry, management and finance practices.
(c ) The article ship experience is an experience gained as a student , i.e. . Normally understanding or working with half or zero knowledge(they are beginers in learning). In case of ICWAI the three years of experience is with in job responsibility . If it is experience as semi qualified of fully qualified , then it is the experience gained with sound subject understanding.
So in case of ICWA , the knowledge gained is more worthy and sound. The depth and scope of learning is more before becoming Associate Member in ICWAI compared to CA.
For better quality in education and knowledge , ICWAI should not think about introducing article ship in its course.

Please read the following link without fail.

4.IGNORING INDUSTRIAL, MANAGEMENT PRACTICES, AND AUDIT : CAs don’t know really much about management practices of Finance ( because only ICWAIs are management accountants , ICWAIs are fully aware of Accounts and Management) , then how CAs are eligible for audit? Even during Articleship also mostly they work under Auditor , not in industry , that also without having attachment to responsibility. A person without Management practices or Industrial Practices is not eligible for audit of organsations. A person can become a good Judge (like Cost Management Accountant) only if he is good at law (like Accountancy, Taxation and Audit) . So “Management” cannot be tagged to CA.

5.THE DYNAMICS OF SYLLABUS CHANGE : ICAI is not active in updating in syllabus and passive in equipping its students and members to the changing dynamics. Because of the statutory protections that ICAI has , ICAI is mild and passive in changing syllabus. The same can be understood by observing its syllabus changes right from its inception. Financial Management is introduced lately, the dynamic Management Accountancy has no much role .Even now ICAI is trials for Special Audit under Sec 14A , 14AA indicates its under dynamism and passive nature. By saying Indirect Tax is a part of CA curriculum it claims for 14A and AA. Let us accept their argument is correct, then

(A).Why did they take this much of time to realize that they have Indirect Tax . Weren’t they aware of the same from several years? ( ICAI is so mild , passive and under dynamic. It is surviving with unfair practices )

(B).If having a subject is sufficient for Special Audit, then ICWAI can claim “we are best fit for the posts like Production Manager, COO, because Production and Operations Management is part of ICWAI curriculum”. .
Without any basic idea on Production and Operations Management , how ICAI can claim for 14AA.
Because of the failure and inability of ICAI in dealing with Finance and Management practices only ICWAI came into existence. Otherwise ICWAI would not have come into picture. Now after several decades , ICAI is claiming “we have expertise of ICWAIs also”. This is like claiming of Type Machine that “I am more suitable than computer in data management”.
One thing is to be remembered “Quality means fitness through knowledge not through ignorance” (see 8.Ignornce and Super ignorance : )

6.THE HARD WORK BEHIND PASS : Persons doing both CA,CWA simultaneously are facing difficulty in passing ICWA than CA. Persons who registered for both CA and ICWA simultaneously are completing CA earlier than ICWA. Number of CAs1,50,000 & ICWAs 40,000. CA syllabus less than ICWA , ICWA syllabus is more. Pass percentage of CA is more.

7.COMARISION WITHOUT STATUTORY PROTECTIONS AND SOUNDNESS: The Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India is the only Institute in India that has in its syllabus and training contents the proper blend of cost and management accounting, finance and non-finance subjects required for professional Management and Accounting functions. Needless to mention that in the Finance and Management Accounting Committee of the International Federation of Accountants – earlier known as FMAC and now known as Professional Accountant in Business Committee – ICWAI was represented since its inception and not ICAI. ICWAI syllabus covers in-depth company accounts. It is time to conduct company audits also like CA. How is the idea to open Income Tax Audit to CWA and also remove CAs from VAT Audit as it is indirect tax feild? ICWAI academic filtration is far more superior and tough than simple CA. World wide, management accountant has better acceptance than ordinary/simple CA. International bodies recognized ICWA and as qualification equal to their international standard course and allowed ICWAIs to practice in their countries.
And those international bodies gave mutual recognition between their course and ICWA.
But, CA is not given such recognition and ICAI is struggling to get such recognition.

8.IGNORNCE AND SUPER IGNORANCE : Without knowing the above facts , ignorantly some people feel CA is difficult and they have good knowledge than ICWA. They are ignorant people. There is another category , this is SUPER Ignorant people . These people take opinion of these ignorant people and say CA is difficult . The third category people , they argue CA is ultimate in Finance and Accounts and all statutory powers should be given to CAs . These people show the sample of ignorant and super ignorant peoples’ opinion to prove their argument.
The Accounting Institutes should focus more on improving standards of their education and courses instead of trying to propagate lies about other institutes.
Normally people who are not capable to improve their standards try to interfere into others matters. their policy is "we will not improve ourself , instead , we will try to lessen others by spreading lies , by doing this we can be on the top... survival by blaming".
Unfortunately , I heard from some professionals saying "ICWAIs are not fit for higher positions in finance , they know only costing , but nothing about accounts and taxation.. ICWAI is very very easy". If an illeletarate speaks like this , then it is OK. But how a qualified person is so ignorant about ICWAI?. Didn't his education give that much of minimum knowledge atleast?. Is it his ignorance OR lack of proper literacy ( lesser standard of education) OR arrogance that makes him an unfit manager?
We would have not seen satyam like frauds , if professionals try for fairness and quality.

9.IS THE RESISTANCE FROM ICAI FOR NAME CHANGE PART OF SELF DEFENSE? : Cost accountants are also called Management Accountants all over the world in UK , US, Canada and even in Pakistan and Bangladesh also. Why that recognition is not given by Indian Govt? Even for name change also govt is not ready. Is this to standardize the argument in point 8?. This is resistance to change. ICAI does not allow competition. ICAI does not have respect to India's parliamentary system and sovereignty. Existence of Chartered indicates the same. It is an insult to India's parliamentary system and sovereignty. They were made laughing stock by ICAI. ICAI should focus on improving its quality their quality instead of following unfair practices to suppress other competent bodies like ICWAI .
Why ICWAIs should not be defined under Section 288(2) of the Income Tax Act?
We are experiencing the frauds of audit by CAs ( recently Satyam).

Why CA has more recognition than ICWA in spite of

• Easiness
• Less syllabus
• Less focus on management and financial management practices compared to ICWA
• With less dynamism in syllabus change/ up gradation compared to ICWA
• Easier way of becoming associate member compared to ICWA

28 December 2011 Whatever you have mentioned is obviously true.

In India, there is more scope for practicing CAs when compared to ICWAs. Every certification, companies need CA sign and seal. CAs do only signature, they don't want to certify with true and fair view. Behind scams of companies like Satyam, there may be CA brain. Along with persons involved in scam, their CA also should be kept behind bars; for having certified the statements with false info.

In Employment they have equal opportunity for both CAs/CWAs. In spite nowadays, companies are preferring ICWAs than CAs; Ex. Coal India, NMDC, Vedanta etc.

One more thing is that CAs are dominating ICWAI. ICWA institute is lacking in propaganda, attracting, dynamism and responsiveness etc.

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