Ca final revaluation result

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Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
14 February 2013 My sister had applied for revaluation of SFM & ISCA marks to icai. Now her status is showing by icai -"NO DISCREPANCY IN THE MARKS". What does it mean ? Is there not any changes in the marks of both subjects ?

14 February 2013 Yes...!!
There is no changes in marks.


Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
15 February 2013 Thanx sir for reply...
But why institute had not make result showed subject wise, even when there is a different subjects from the different groups.It makes a dilemna in my mind.

15 February 2013 Hi

Yes, the marks as given earlier is same after revaluation of your answer book.

The declaration of result pattern is decide by Institute, so we can not comment on the same.

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