Ca final 2nd grp help

01 April 2016 guys plz help I m giving 2nd grp in this may 16 but course to big to revise in one day before xam I m very nervous plz help me in direct tax n cost these r very wast plZ brother n sister help me Tia

02 April 2016 Firstly, stop getting tensed and stay calm. One of the key ingredient to pass in CA examination is to remain calm and not to get panicked as you must be aware, the examination tests your mental strength too. Every student will go through this kind of emotions, you are no exception and the important thing is for you to remain cool.

The portions in Advanced Management Accounting and Direct Tax law is vast no doubt. You, need to revise the portions from the reference materials which you have been studying. Most students make short hand written notes, to ensure that they are able to revise the portions just before exam, and if you have not prepared your own notes, don't panic, study from the material the key points. In fact there are no short cuts for passing CA Examination. Hope what ever you have studied you are able to recollect before the exam day and most importantly in the examination hall.

05 April 2016 sir tnx 4 guiding

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