Ca final

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06 November 2013 I am doing buisiness but I want to give ca final may 14.I have 5 months to prepare myself but my first reading was before 2 years.How should I study to crack exam.Is it possible in this less time?

06 November 2013 Yes defintely provided you are working with a very sincere approach.See follow only one book for one subject.I don't think that you much time because of your business ,so instead of making notes try to just mark important points of every chapter from your first reading.Since you are already done with some basic preapration,it will help you.But keep on revising important points from time to time,else it will be a big burden by the end.
Secondly,do include practice manual & RTP in you preparation,it will be very helpful.

there are short notes of some topics in the same site go through them.
Do 2practical & one theory subject at a time

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