CA & CWA course

This query is : Resolved 


Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
10 March 2010 Respected sir/mam,

I am an S.YBcom (going to enter T.Y.Bcom this academic year) student aspiring to do CWA/CA. I've registered for the CWA foundation exams in June 2010 and will likely be appearing for the December 2010 CPT.

Firstly, I would like to know whether it is possible to do both CA and CWA courses simultaneously. If so, will there be any exemptions regarding the articleship, since its now compulsory in CWA as well, and how do I go about the whole process of doing them at the same time.

Secondly, after passing the Foundation Exams for CWA (June 2010), when can I appear for the Intermediate Exams?

Hope to see your reply soon.

Thank You,

10 March 2010 firstly u decide what do u want to do?
and no exemption in articleship and also institute not allowed these both courses at same time at present

10 March 2010 Dear Friend first there is no exemption in either articleship if you are appearing both for both course. Second in icwai as per new syllabus 2008 practical training for 3 years become mandatory other wise institute will not declare your final result. there fore simultaneously articleship and practical training is not possible at a time. Therefore i advice you go for only one course. All the best.


Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
10 March 2010 thank you sir. i really appreciate it.

another thing that i wanted to know is when can a student, who has passed his foundation exam for CWA, appear in the intermediate exam?

10 March 2010 Yes you Can.


Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
10 March 2010 sir, i want to know when can a foundation exam-passed student appear for the intermediate exam.

15 March 2010 After registering for Intermediate .. Can appear for 1 group if 6 months lapses and for both groups if 9 months lapses from the date of registration.

16 March 2010 agree with suresh

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