CA Articleship certificate & Career

This query is : Resolved 

10 May 2010 Dear All,

I would like to know what is the proceedure for to get my lost CA Articleship certificate from ICAI.

I have completed CA Articleship of three years, and even appeared for exam, and not able to clear at least 1st group. I discontinued for long time. Now I am rethinking to continue with same profession by appearing the exam. Can any body suggest me,

Looking for your suggestions....guys


10 May 2010 If you rememebr your registration number... ask icai to p[rovide your relelvant details of your articleship

10 May 2010 Mr Prakash Somani is absolutely correct.
if u have know your Reg. No. then nothing problem but if u have mis your Reg. No. then some problem but lastly ICAI provide your all detail.

10 May 2010 Agreed...

12 May 2010 Dear Mr. Prakash, Sanjay Jha, & Mr. Ravindra Sir.

Thanks for your reply to me. Well, i have my CA registration number which is MM 080338.

Is it sufficient.

Thanks once again, keep interacting.......

With regards

12 May 2010 CA registration number MM 080338 is sufficient.

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