Ca articleship and appearing final exams

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Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
17 June 2014 sir/ madam,
i have appeared IPCC in may 2014. i have paid the fee for articles along with IPCC. after passing IPCC, when do register for CA final? when im elegible for appearing for CA final both groups or one group i.e. 2016 may or 2016 november? how much time will take for preparing CA final exams for both groups? pls clarrify me. thanking u.

18 June 2014 dear friend,

your CA final attempt will depend on when you start your articleship.

you need to complete 2.5 years of articleship before you become eligible for CA finals exam. since you havent started your articleship yet, you are not eligible for Nov 2016. your first attempt shall be May 2017.

you can register for CA finals once you clear IPCC both levels.

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Guest (Expert)
18 June 2014 for ca finals in my personal view ... your coachings should be finished before four months of your attempts...

u must need four months to study wel.... hard work is needed in that four months to rock in the exams

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