Ca articleship

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08 November 2013 After 9 months of articleship, i took transfer & started articleship for the balance period under another ca. I have completed 1 year of articleship under my present ca. Now my ca is morally harassing me. I want transfer but due to restrictions on transfer during 2nd year & also being unable to produce any witness against my ca, i am tensed. My ca is threatning me to ruin my career & also he is not signing on transfer form on the ground that i mis behaved with him.
Is it possible to do the articleship for 2 years & 9 months from a new ca as my current ca will neither sign on my transfer form nor allow me to carry on my articleship under him...
Plz help me

08 November 2013 see you have two options.But before that I would suggest you to be polite & sincere always in your approach while dealing with CA,because till you complete your CA you have to deal with him only whether directly or indirectly.Though its easier said than done but you have to do it.

Now ,first option is secondment of articles,wherein you will work under other CA but your stipend will be paid by your current CA only.If you want to go for this option then it would be better to take it in the last yr,as this option can be taken for a maximum of 1yr.
Now,2nd option is indutrial training which you can do in the last yr of articleship.

Be very careful while dealing with your CA, as both above cases requires consent of your CA & both being the only 2options

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