
If aadhar and pan linked not completed before 31st March 2023

Pan will be deactivated after 31st March 2023,

What is next process if pan deactivated.

Please clarify my doubt

Thanking you,



There are a couple of outstanding tax demands against me (AY2008-9, AY2007-08). I have submitted the documents/receipts , but it is still not closed and showing as outstanding demand. How can I get this closed? Any e-mail id for sending the grievance? As per ITO, there are no demands, but CPC has not updated the data. If I have refund, will CPC adjust the refund against this wrong demand? Please help.

V Ishu Hegde
13 March 2023 at 14:33


1. Whether a single truck owner carrying on the business of transport of goods comes under GTA?
2. When a transporter carries goods from instance from karnataka to maharashtra whether the tax is levied under igstor sgst and cgst?

Gourav dewangan
21 March 2023 at 11:41

GST on Money Transfer Business

Suppose Mr. Ram doing money transfer business. A customer comes to Mr. Ram and he request to Mr. Ram to transfer Rs. 100000 to his son's account. Mr. Ram charged 1% commission for this money transfer business. Hence Mr. Ram charge 1000 as commission from customer. Hence total of Rs.101000 received by Mr. Ram from customer and ram transfer Rs. 100000 to his son's account. My question is that what is the treatment for above commission and money transfer business under GST and income tax. Weather Rs. 101000 consider gross receipt and Rs. 100000 as expenditure and net Rs. 1000 as commission income in income tax. If yes than what is turnover in GST for the same. Please clarify the above case for both GST and Income tax.


Hi. Its urgent!!!

We have purchased a coffee machine for our office.

Is TDS applicable for the same?

If yes, can you please share the rate so that it can be deducted before payment?

Thanks in advance!

Anil Sharma
21 March 2023 at 11:41


Something seems to have gone wrong while processing your request. Please try again.If error persists quote error number GSTN-EXEC2003 when you contact customer care for quick resolution.

Sai Ravi Teja Bannuri

What are the articles that exempt for section 8 company in table f and where can i find this Table f with these article numbers

Neha Agarwal

Respected members,

Can I convert my proprietorship business in to HUf? What are the process steps? Should I need to obtain a different trade licence?

Please Guide

CA Pawan Koradia
13 March 2023 at 10:28

TDS u/s 195 incase of Imports

Hello Sir/Ma'am,
Please guide me regarding the below query.
We have imported goods from different countries and paid them respective amounts. They are Non-resident and do not have PAN, are we liable to deduct TDS u/s 195? If yes, how can they claim TDS as they do not have a PAN?


Sir, My query is what is 6 Digit sac code of printing of newspaper (whose GST RATE @5% & SAC CODE -9988(6 DIGIT)). 6 DIGIT SAC CODE OF PRINTING OF NEWSPAPER.