Chinnappan D M

I am cio/pio. My income in India for the FY 17-18 is ₹240000. Should I file IT return??

Shekha Goel

As per schedule 1, Gst on gifts upto 50000 provided by employer to employee are exempt.

Suppose on 1-7-2017 employer gifted goods wroth 40000 to employee
And again on 1-9-2017 he gifted goods worth 20000

Total gifts for the year is 60000

What will be the amount chargeable to gst? 10000 or 60000?
And what will be the time of supply in this case?

28 March 2018 at 11:23

Income tax payable 17-18

Dear sir
income from salary 3,00,000 for the year17-18.
payment is received in lump sum.
Kindly advise tax planning on above case
with regards

28 March 2018 at 11:00

Accounting treatment

Dear Experts,
Mr. X and Mr. Y are running proprietary firms Mr. Y has taken loan of 60 Lakh in which he has cleared the loan of 20 Lakh of Mr. X and rest 40 lakh was credited in Mr. Y account. However Mr. X will not return the 20 Lakh to Mr. Y

Pls tell me the accounting treatment for the same.

Thanks & Regards
Vishu jain

28 March 2018 at 10:30

Tds fourth quarter due date

Dear Experts,
Pls clarify :- what is the due date of TDs payment & filing return for fourth quarter?


28 March 2018 at 10:26

Consent letter

Hello Experts,

In case of GST Registration can I draft consent letter on plain paper or on Rs.50/- stamp paper? Is it specified anywhere in Act?

28 March 2018 at 09:38

80 c investment

i am salaried employee, and i already invest in General Provident fund Rs. 120000/- and in PF Rs. 35000/- now I claim deduction u/s 80 C Rs.150000/-

my question is can i claim more deduction, if i invest in New Pension Scheme.

any other better option for reduce Tax.

28 March 2018 at 00:31

Claim salary

I had worked in a pvt hospital in Kerala as accountant from 16-4-2016 to 30-9-2017. I was included in trainee staff list.
The last month's salary is not yet received. I requested in October along with other staff salary.cashier replied that its used for pf payments of permanent staff when a deficit arose. On each request she answered in such a way. Now insists that it can be collected only after AGM which is likely to be conducted on 28-03-2018.
Is there any remedy to claim the Salary?

Satish Thorat
28 March 2018 at 00:27

Threshold limit

Suppose I have registered for GST. My turnover in previous FY does not exceed 20
Lack rs. Now I am taken Registration as composition tax payer, while filling quarterly return do I have to pay tax @1% on turnover of supply upto 15 lakh rs.

27 March 2018 at 23:56

Cash transaction

In a public ltd co., In FY 201617,One of the Directors brings in cash Rs 34Lakhs for a land purchase in a single day. But the transaction is postponed. So the entire cash is deposited in company's current account in SBT by the accountant as per that director's instructions.
After 2-3 days the full amount Rs.34L is withdrawn in cash(via cheque& repaid to the director
What shall be the accounting treatment for the cash transactions in the Daily Cashbook to avoid any legal issues both for the director and the company?

We showed it as loan from director in cash& its repayment
Is it ok?
If its wrong,how to correct?